Yes, No, Maybe…

Introducing - Yes, No, Maybe... 2022 was full of growing pains, and we poured our blood, sweat, and tears into bringing our Inaugural season to life in spite of all the road blocks, restrictions, and cancellations. We're so proud of our first season, and all the hope it brought to our future works. For 2023, the season of "Yes, No, Maybe" is focusing on mounting all original, new works exploring love, life, and heartache. Our personal love letter to the arts...

We can't wait for you to laugh, cry, and gush with us through this season of shows!
~ Marley Sullivan & Sydney Schott, Co-Artistic Directors

Shows in the Yes, No, Maybe… Season

  • Hello, Love!

    5 Crazy Singles are looking for love this Valentine's day season and are hoping to find their match during the annual Valentine's Day Festival! As tension rise throughout the weekend, each single gets more and more confused about who their perfect person is, and cupid has to get involved to lead each couple to happily ever after.

    February 2023

  • Do You Have The Time?

    After a bar fight gone wrong, Diggory finds himself in the middle grounds between heaven and hell, fighting to go back and repent his sins before moving on to the afterlife.

    August 2023

  • The Rehearsal

    "A Play within a Play" The Innovative Productions is preparing for their next show, and the audience get's a front row seat for the entire thing. In this comedic play, audience members will finally get to see what really happens behind the scenes during the rehearsal period. You'll laugh, maybe cry, and definitely have a good time!

    December 2023